Has your girlfriend been avoiding intimacy with you lately?
Has your girlfriend been more secretive with her phone?
Does your girlfriend behave the same way that she normally does?
How frequently does your girlfriend have mood swings?
8. Is your girlfriend paying more attention to her appearance?
9. Have your girlfriend’s interests changed lately?
Does your girlfriend tend to remember things wrongly?
Does your girlfriend cancel plans often?
Has communication changed between the both of you?
Does your gut feel that she’s cheating on you?
Does she explain why she’s back late even when you haven’t asked her anything?
Did she act strange when you confronted her about her behavior?
Has she made any future plans with you?
Has your girlfriend ever cheated in her previous relationships?
Has your girlfriend been hiding her spending and financial history?
Has your girlfriend been going out more often?
Is My Girlfriend Cheating?
Answered mostly A
Your girlfriend is definitely cheating. Her behavior is incredibly suspicious, and she’s most definitely hiding something.
Answered mostly B
It's likely that your girlfriend is cheating. If your gut is telling you that she’s cheating and she’s exhibiting strange behavior, it’s likely that she is.
Answered mostly C
At this stage, it’s hard to tell if your girlfriend is cheating. It is important, however, to rely on your instinct. If you think she’s cheating, it’s highly likely that she is.
Answered mostly D
It's likely that your girlfriend isn’t cheating, but if you’re taking this quiz, it could mean that you’re sensing that something is off. It’s important for you to trust your instincts in this instance.